why raw? : the benefits of an all natural diet

Raw has amazing benefits for your furry friends, feeding an all natural diet will give your pets good oral health, a glossy coat, healthy skin, small poo, better smelling breath and coat, higher immunity, better behaviour, shiny eyes, healthy joints and bones, customisable meals and so much more. A raw diet is 100% natural which means you wont find any of those nasty additives that you find in processed kibble and tinned foods. Unlike processed food, raw is filled with all the nutrients your furry friends need to have a healthy diet and strong immunity, raw has never been easier to feed with over 23 brands in store there is a fit for everyone. whether you’re a D.I.Yer who creates fun meals for your canine companions or whether you feed a complete food made of 80% meat, 10%bone and 10% offal which are ready to feed straight from the freezer, there is a fit for you so pop in to Harley hounds raw food supplies today to find out more and start your raw journey.